My Experience in Brussels

Once I got to Brussels in Belgium on the first day two of the first things I noticed while I was walking around and exploring was the languages they mainly spoke there and about their cultural celebrations. Mainly spoken there is Dutch, French, German and some speak English. The people I met there spoke English from what I've heard as for the other languages I mentioned before.



A lot of people of all around the world visit and live in Brussels, people from France, America and other many places. Many tourists were found visiting Brussels. Also tour guides around Brussels speaking about their languages, cultures and history throughout the years. One of the days I was in Brussels there was a celebration that was made every year. Every year they commemorate it between many other ones.

They are very free and open minded people. In Brussels throughout some time in June and July It started getting dark almost at like 11pm. Depending on the time of the year it determines at what time it will be getting dark at night and at what time there would be daylight.



